April is National Social Security Month!
April is National Social Security Month! The Social Security website has provided five steps to assist in your financial security.
Step One: Allows you to get to know your Social Security and explains how Social Security is more than just retirement benefits.
Step Two: Allows you to review and verify your earnings by logging into or creating an account through my Social Security. Please note that in order to be eligible for disability, retirement, and Medicare benefits you need to have earned 40 work credits. $1300.00 = 1 credit and an individual can earn up to 4 credits a year.
Step Three: Shows how to calculate and estimate your social security benefits. Planning for retirement can be tedious, however, social security has devised a system to assist in determining how long someone will have to work in order to live comfortably in their retirement.
Step Four: Shows how to apply for benefits. The Social Security Administrations does accommodate all individuals and allows those who cannot leave their home to apply by phone as well.
Step Five: Allows you to manage your benefits and control your benefits when you need to via your my Social Security account.
Click the link below to review additional information regarding the above five steps.