Always be available for client’s needs. Give clients your personal email/contact number to answer their questions or any concerns they may have to the best of your ability. Encourage your door is always open. Let clients know feedback and questions are always welcome.
Pay attention and truly listen to what clients are saying and trying to tell you.It’s easy to get distracted, but don’t let your attention drift or spend the time thinking about what you will say in response. Provide reflective feedback.Rephrase to your client their questions/ concerns to let them know you heard and understood their points.
Don’t rely on surface statements. If you don’t know the answer, that’s ok.Spend time to research and get to the critical issues that are most meaningful to our client. Understand what the client really wants and try to meet those expectations to build respect.
Keep your promises. If you make a commitment to a client, stick to it. Try to “under-promise” and “over-deliver.” In other words, don’t commit to something you cannot complete. Instead, give yourself more time than needed and be consistent. This generates good will among your clients and support staff.
5. Be aware of cultural differences when communicating. It’s not enough just to be polite; make sure your behavior is not inadvertently perceived as disrespectful according to other cultural norms.
6. Stay in contact. Touch base regularly with clients, and hold meetings with employees frequently enough to ensure everyone feels informed and are on the same page.Remind clients that you care about them and you are interested in what they have to say.