Preparing Your Social Security Disability Application
A carefully prepared SSD/SSI application will increase your chances of being approved for disability benefits or supplemental security income. Even if you are not approved after the initial application, the information gathered will be beneficial to your appeal because you will already have the proper information needed to prepare for a hearing.
In order to prepare a strong application you will need to gather the names of all the doctors, healthcare professionals, hospitals and clinics where you have treated, including their addresses, phone numbers and the dates of treatment. You will also need to compile a list of all medications and treatments you are receiving and their side effects.
You should also prepare a list of the places that you worked in the past 15 years. You will need to list the first and last date worked at each job and the date that your medical condition(s) began to affect your ability to work. You should be ready to answer questions pertaining to your duties at each job, especially the physical requirements. You will also need to list your highest level of education and any special training you may have received.
You should carefully choose a third party to communicate with the Social Security Administration (SSA) about your medical conditions on your behalf. You will want to designate a family member or friend who is familiar with your disability and who will be able to respond to the SSA’s requests about your medical conditions.
We understand that preparing a disability application can be a very difficult and time consuming process. We can help. Please give us a call at 215.561.1000. Our experienced SSD/SSI team can assist you in filing a SSD/SSI application that can increase the likelihood of being approved for benefits with your initial application, which will mean less time waiting to receive your benefits.