The Health Benefits of Regular Exercise
What is a simple way to feel better, have more energy and perhaps live a longer life? Exercise. The many health benefits of regular exercise are hard to ignore. Read on to discover the ways regular physical activity can improve your health and life.
Exercise can help you control your weight. When you engage in physical activity your body burns calories. The higher the intensity of the activity, the more calories you burn. In addition, exercise helps you build muscle mass. Even at rest, muscle mass burns many calories and helps to increase your metabolism. So, the great thing is, the more muscle mass you build from exercise, the more calories you can burn, even at rest, which helps you control your weight. Good stuff.
In addition, exercise can help keep the symptoms of many health conditions under control including, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. In addition, it has been shown that regular exercise can combat the symptoms of stress and depression. Exercise increases blood flow, which helps your body metabolize sugars and stimulates certain brain chemicals which can help you feel better physically and mentally. In addition, exercise helps you fall asleep faster and it promotes deeper sleep which can make anybody feel better.
As little as one half hour per day of regular physical activity is all you need to begin to realize the great health effects of exercise. And, you don’t have to sign up for a marathon to begin to notice these positive benefits. Activities as simple as taking the steps instead of the elevator, parking farther away from the door at the shopping mall or taking a walk on your lunch break are all great ways to incorporate more physical activity into your life. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
The positive benefits of exercise are waiting for you to discover today so grab your shoes and get out there.